ZA. 2004a. Public Private Partnership Manual. Pretoria: South African Government, National Treasury.
"Key References: PPP Processes and Institutional Responsibilities" The comprehensive PPP manual outlining the PPP procurement process for South Africa, including the approval process. "Key References: PPP Units" The comprehensive PPP manual outlining the PPP procurement process for South Africa, including the approval process. "Key References: Public Financial Management for PPPs" Module 4, Part 6: “Demonstrate Affordability” describes the methodology and requirements to demonstrate affordability of a PPP project. "Key References: Broader PPP Program Governance" A comprehensive PPP manual outlining the PPP procurement process for South Africa. Provides technical guidance for value for money and affordability analysis. Module 7 provides guidelines for auditing PPP projects. "Key References: Municipal and other subnational PPPs" Provides PPP policies for South Africa at the national and subnational levels. "Key References: Designing PPP Contracts" Module 6 of the manual, “Managing the PPP Agreement” briefly outlines how performance requirements, monitoring and enforcement mechanisms should be established. The standardized PPP provisions set out and explain key provisions across all elements of the PPP contract. "Key References: Practical Guidance on Implementing PPP Projects - PPP Program Material" Manual for implementing agencies setting out in detail the process and requirements for developing and implementing PPPs in accordance with national PPP regulation. Includes modules on PPP Inception, the PPP Feasibility Study, PPP Procurement, and Managing the PPP Agreement.Includes tools and templates in annexes for use at each stage.
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