ES. 2011. “Real Decreto Legislativo 3/20111, de 14 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público.” Boletín Oficial del Estado, 276 (1) 117729-117913. Madrid: Gobierno de España, Ministerio de la Presidencia.
"Key References: PPP Processes and Institutional Responsibilities" Describes the different stages and studies that must be carried out when using a PPP as a procurement option. PPP that use private public-private legal framework will consider the principles of transparency, openness, and nondiscrimination of public legal framework. "Key References: Structuring PPP Projects" The Spanish Procurement law regulates the public procurement PPP contracts that can be used in Spain. Some of them are partially structured by the law and some of them have a flexible risk allocation.
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