Farquharson, Edward, Clemencia Torres de Mästle,E. R. Yescombe, and Javier Encinas. 2011. How to Engage with the Private Sector in Public-Private Partnerships in Emerging Markets. Washington, DC: World Bank.
"Key References: Example" This guide for public sector practitioners describes how to develop and implement a PPP successfully, by developing a marketable project and attracting the right private partners. Chapter 4 provides guidelines for PPP project selection. "Key References: What is a PPP?" Chapter 2: “Defining Public-Private Partnerships” focuses on how PPPs differ from privatization and management contracts; and describes user-fee and availability-based PPPs. Several case studies throughout the book provide examples of PPPs in developing countries. "Key References: How PPPs Are Financed" Chapter 5 provides an overview of private finance for PPPs, focusing on challenges faced in developing countries. "Key References: PPP Processes and Institutional Responsibilities" This guide for public sector practitioners describes how to develop and implement a PPP successfully, by developing a marketable project and attracting the right private partners. Chapter 4 describes guidelines for PPP project selection. "Key References: PPP Framework" This guide for public sector practitioners describes how to develop and implement a PPP successfully by developing a marketable project and attracting the right private partners. Section 3 focuses on setting the PPP framework. "Key References: PPP Project Appraisal" Chapter 4: Selecting PPP Projects describes how governments can assess whether a project can and should be developed as a PPP, including considering affordability, risk allocation, value for money, and market assessments. "Key References: Commercial Viability Analysis" Chapter 8: “Managing the Initial Interface with the Private Sector” describes how to prepare and carry out a market sounding exercise. "Key References: Structuring PPP Projects" Appendix B is risk register for a PPP project, providing an example of a risk allocation matrix, and of a qualitative approach to assessing and prioritizing risks. '"Key References: Designing PPP Contracts" Chapter 4 on selecting projects includes a section on specifying output requirements, and defines and provides examples of SMART output specifications. "Key References: Managing PPP Transactions" Chapter 9: “Managing Procurement” talks through each stage of the procurement process. Includes a case study of the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, South Africa describes the procurement process for the hospital,which included a multi-variable bid evaluation approach. "Key References: Managing PPP Contracts" Chapter 10 provides an overview of what is needed for successful contract management after signing, with an emphasis on experience in emerging markets. Includes tips on managing contracts and a case study on contract management for a water concession in Sofia, Bulgaria. "Key References: Practical Guidance on Implementing PPP Projects, Other Guidance and Toolkits" Describes and provides guidance on the whole PPP process, highlighting the experience of developing countries. Briefly covers project selection; the focus is on preparing and bringing the project to market and engaging with the private sector.
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